83% of employees who undergo gamified training are more motivated at work
33% of employees prefer to have game-like effects in their training platforms
88% of respondent employees say that gamification makes them happier at work.
71% of employees believe that gamification leads to an increase in energy levels
Source: TalentLMS, 2019, eLearning Learning, 2019, ResearchGate, 2019)
We offer an easy-to-integrate flexible solution to gamify any training or curriculum.
Changing the learning content does not require technical support.
•Integrated or standalone content agnostic game-based learning solution
•A learning environment where the learner has control of the pace and direction of the learning situation
•Learners can select the game they want to learn with. Choice-based learning is a process in which learners have a greater sense of control over the way their process of learning to enhance their learning and determine how they interact with the training content.
•Our customisable badge system is personalised to the learner and follows their progress. Employers can decide how they reward their people
+352 661 47 9264
gira at gamtred.awsapps.com